What did and did NOT make sense to me this week.

đź‘€ Plus see my last line for big savings today only

*together with Prosperity Pub

Hi Folks, happy Sunday! Jeff Bishop here.

As I mentioned yesterday, this Market has NOT made a lot of sense to anyone I know lately. Trading has not been for the weak of stomach lately 🤢.

However, looking back on this week, there was one thing that DID make sense to me…

Nate Tucci.

If you missed our interview, I sat down with Nate to discuss his strategy for overnight trading. 

Despite the lighter attendance, we had a huge OPT-IN rate. 

I can tell you why (again): What Nate is pitching makes all the sense in the world.

It’s hard to argue with MATH.

Take a look at this chart until you get it.

The blue line shows daytime returns over 30 years. Practically flat.

The orange line? Overnight returns 🤯.

Nate and his team have run and rerun the stats and it’s hard to argue with those results (I would call that statistically significant!).

Here is a little more depth of how I read the data (keep in mind this is NOT my data, but how I’m interpreting this chart, talk to Tucci for all clarifications and watch our interview):

If you had bought the SPY at the CLOSE during the week for 30 years (I do not think this counts weekends since Tucci doesn’t but weekend positions) and exited at or around Market open…

And had started with a 100K investment…

That would now be worth triple. (ORANGE LINE)

But even more interesting to me is the BLUE line.

If you had tried to day trade the SPY for 30 years (now this would be buying at OPEN and exiting at CLOSE)... you would basically be even.

WOW that’s a LOT of work and risk for no apparent reward.

I plan to be implementing these SPY overnight trades in my own trading because… again… HARD TO ARGUE with the MATH!

Tucci: Self-professed math geek that confirms he HAS graduated high school!

And check out their offer they are making just to RagingBull members.

Tucci’s next trade plan (and targeted exit) drops TOMORROW!

To YOUR success,

P.S. If you want to start trading with ME live on MONDAY, the only way right now is by contacting Davis Martin (1-443-269-8824 / [email protected]). He is looking forward to hearing from you!

I have authorized him to give you 20% off his best pricing for ANY of our services by this evening … so reach out to him and mention this deal!

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