When you started trading…

Tell me if this was you

When you started trading —

I bet you had no idea it would take this long or be this tough to figure out.

I’ll tell you something you probably won’t hear somewhere else…

The #1 obstacle that’s holding YOU back from being the type of trader you desire to be…

From actually getting to that next level…

…can be summed up in ONE simple sentence!

I’ll tell you right now and in less than a few short minutes…

Show you HOW I went from a confused newbie trader…

That kept getting battered by the market…

To a confident expert that PRECISELY times and manages stock and options trades every day — under ANY market condition.

If you don’t already know me…

My name is Jason Bond, and I’ve spent the last 100 and 45 months…

That’s over 12 grueling years… 

Making mistakes, learning, failing again…

Before finally figuring this whole trading thing out.

And also building one of America’s fastest-growing companies that teach people how to be elite traders.

I’m able to place all these trades…

And help thousands of traders just like you...

Not because I have some “special insider info”...

Not because I have an economics or finance degree…

And certainly NOT because I studied advanced mathematics…

It’s because I’ve spent over 10 years fine-tuning a strategy to spot & take “high-conviction” trades every single day.

And I want to show you how…even if you’re a brand new trader!

You see, having this skillset…

Having the confidence to pull up your phone any day…

KNOWING EXACTLY WHAT stocks to look for, and PRECISELY HOW to trade them…

…is what separates those elite top traders from the rest of the market that keeps losing money.

This lack of confidence is what’s holding you back.

But hey, I know nothing good comes easy. 

This skill set takes years to develop.

It takes failing, unlearning bad habits, and learning from your mistakes.

Again, this has nothing to do with having shiny scanners…

Jumping on random setups…

Or following the hype from Reddit or social media “gurus” that barely trade with their real money. 

Having this confidence allows expert traders to quietly bank consistent wins in the market…

Without being chained to their computer all day.

I was in your position over a decade ago — confused and beaten by the market.

Luckily, I met one of such expert traders and looked over his shoulder …

Absorbing every bit of knowledge and technique…

And spent over 10 years learning, making mistakes, testing, and fine-tuning this strategy.

That’s why I’ve been able to consistently get results like this UVXY options trade…

Trading is hard. Results aren’t typical. Nothing is guaranteed. 

…and lots more

Most of them in as Little As 1 Day!

Now…I want to cut the learning time for you and show you how you can potentially get results like these too.

I know you don’t have years to experiment…

That’s why I put together something special for you.

Something that will give you an unfair advantage over most traders out there.

Between me and you…

I wish I had a resource like this when I started out.

Once you start following my strategy…

You’ll go from guessing what to trade…

Hoping you enter and exit positions on time…

And feeling left behind…

To actually KNOWING what stock or option to trade…

When to trade…

And EXACTLY how to trade.

You will supercharge your confidence level because now you have a plan that you can lean on in any market..

That’s what Jason Bond Picks is designed to do.

I put my body and soul to scour the market…

And pinpoint only the HOTTEST trade ideas.

I hate complications as much as you do…

That’s why I like to take specific and critical shots at the market — which I feel 100% confident about.

So every trading day before the market opens; 

You’ll get my 3-5 best trade ideas — could be fast-moving stocks or hot options trades…

Then, during market hours you will receive real-time APP and email trade alerts BEFORE I buy with my real money

And before I sell too. 

You’ll get to see exactly what I’m doing.

And how I’m able to get results like; 

Trading is hard. Results aren’t typical. Nothing is guaranteed.

…In one day!

What this means is you’re only receiving my best ideas.

You’re probably thinking…

What if you’re entirely new to all this?

What if you aren’t able to do it yourself?

Don’t worry.

I’ll give you access to my HUGE chat room of well-informed like-minded traders.

And access to my live stream orders and portfolio ALL DAY! 

And access to My QuickStart Video Series to get you up to speed.

Plus access to my Vault of Trading Secrets. Where you’ll learn;

  • How to Trade Monster Breakouts

  • The Ultimate Guide to Trading Stock Crashes

  • Fibonacci Friday’s — the Ultimate Guide to Short Squeezes

  • How to Trade LOTTO Options

  • And much more…

I’m not kidding when I tell you I’ve helped over 10,000 people (just like you) be better traders…

And I want to give you everything you need to go from where you are now…to being a confident trader 

Now if you’re still with me, it tells me one thing.

That you’re committed to being a better trader! 

But you have to pick a side.

You’ll get 3-5 HOT Trade Ideas every day…

(That’s at least 756 trades over the course of 1 year.)

Plus training videos to get you started!

…at a ridiculously generous lifetime rate…

So if you choose to be with me for 10 years, it comes out to just $39/year.

(That’s only 11 cents/day.)

Pause for a second and Imagine what all the difference these resources would make for you.

I mean, it’s your decision to make at this point. 

So you choose what's more important.

11 cents or finally leveling up in your trading journey?

11 cents or building the confidence you need to be a better trader?

11 cents getting high-conviction trade ideas sent to you?

11 or getting an edge in the market?

But I’ll make it easy for you by offering you a “30-day Satisfaction Promise.” 

If you’re not 100% satisfied after 30 days of high-conviction trade ideas…

You’ll promptly get your full purchase amount back. No questions asked.

Click here to access a lifetime’s worth of Jason Bond Picks trades, starting in a few short hours. 

I must warn you…there’s no time to waste.

I’m about to release the next Jason Bond Picks trade alerts…

And you’ll miss even more if you don’t take the intelligent action right now.

Questions or concerns about our products? Email [email protected] 

© Copyright 2022, RagingBull

DISCLAIMER: To more fully understand any Ragingbull.com, LLC ("RagingBull") subscription, website, application or other service ("Services"), please review our full disclaimer located at https://ragingbull.com/disclaimer.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY; NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. AnyRagingBull Service offered is for educational and informational purposes only and should NOT be construed as a securities-related offer or solicitation, or be relied upon as personalized investment advice. RagingBull strongly recommends you consult a licensed or registered professional before making any investment decision.

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