Options Trading Blueprint

How I turned $2,000 into $15,102 in 2-months

Jay here,

At the end of April I started trading a $2,000 balance.

With a goal of hitting $100,000.

About 2-months later the balance is at $15,102 up 655%.

40 wins and 1 loss.

Balance: $15,102 +655% or +$13,102

Results not typical. Trading is hard. Nothing guaranteed.

Every trade alerted moments before I entered and exited.

Like this week’s NVDA trade.

Next 50 49 subscribers

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And by request, I started a second $2,000 balance the first week of June.

A few weeks later …

… it’s up 120% to $4,406 without a loss.

Balance: $4,406 +120% or +$2,406

Results not typical. Trading is hard. Nothing guaranteed.

45 out of 46!

All alerted before I entered and exited.

Next 50 49 subscribers

Apply coupon code: SAVE70 

I cannot speak for my members’ performance, as results may not be typical and trading is HARD.

I cannot guarantee you will make money

But what I can guarantee is that I will work my BUTT OFF to teach you WHY I trade WHAT I trade.
