How I'm trading TSLA and AAPL

For about $1

Good morning,

Challenge goal: $2,000 into $100,000 once a year

Entered a $5 wide bull put on TSLA for $1.35 or 27% of the width. As you can see I sold -$260 ($3.26) / +$255 ($1.91) which created the $1.35 credit.

Results not typical. Trading is hard. Nothing is guaranteed.

Stop loss strategy:

This trade had 5-days to expiry upon entry, so divide that by 3 for the stop loss rules.

  1. 9:30-1P EST = the bought strike or $255 firm.

  2. 1P EST = the middle of the spread so $257.50 firm, which will carry through Wednesday too.

  3. Then at 1P EST on Thursday it changes to the sold strike of $260.

Make sense?

The stock fell to the 10-day EMA after a WSJ exclusive, which Elon refuted, so I waited for a double bottom and entered.

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Income goal: $2,000 into $10,000 every 2 / months

Entered a $2.50 wide bull put on AAPL for $.64 or 26% of the width. As you can see I sold -$177.50 ($1.21) / +$175 ($.57) which created the $.64 credit.

Results not typical. Trading is hard. Nothing is guaranteed.

Stop loss strategy:

This trade had 5-days to expiry upon entry, so divide that by 3 for the stop loss rules.

  1. 9:30-1P EST = the bought strike or $175 firm.

  2. 1P EST = the middle of the spread so $176.25 firm, which will carry through Wednesday too.

  3. Then at 1P EST on Thursday it changes to the sold strike of $177.50.

Make sense?

Rumors are circulating that the new titanium AAPL iphone is selling well. I know my family is upgrading after skipping the last launch. I should have gotten a better entry on the break of $177.50 Monday around 11A EST.

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Futures are green Tuesday morning.

Interest rate decision Wednesday.

Bull puts (neutral to bullish) or short put verticals on watch: FDX, GOOG, TSLA, LULU, JPM, AMZN, COIN, META, WMT, AAPL, and CAT.

Bear calls (neutral to bearish) or short call verticals on watch: FSLR, NVDA, NFLX, UPS, and TGT.

Jason Bond