Blue Apron buyout! HUGE premium!

And 5 cheap small-caps that could get bought next!

Good morning,

APRN was bought for $13/share. This is what I mean by small-caps being attractive right now. That’s well over 100% premium from Thursday’s close. Other names I think we should be watching due to cheap valuations include VMEO, DDD, NRDY, ANGI, and FUBO.

The small-cap index IWM is starting to look bullish. It pierced the 10-day EMA Thursday and if Friday morning’s gap holds up, it’ll be back above it for the first time since August.

The $16 UVXY puts I alerted yesterday at $.49 would be up over 100% if the market were to open right now. That’s because it’s trading under $15. We’ll see how things look after inflation data at 8:30A EST.

Fibonacci Friday on SLNO is off to a good start. I’m up 10% so far but would love to see a short squeeze above $30 into the weekend.

For anyone new, here’s a candlestick cheat sheet you can download.

I also recommend Steve Nison’s The Candlestick Course.

I really like the pattern on TSBX here above $3.50. Recent IPO as at $12 and Steven Cohen has a big stake.

Momentum small-caps we’re discussing in chat this morning include OPGN, NVOS, FEMY, and RVLP.

Jason Bond