3 smoking hot small-caps

Will January's momentum return now?

Good morning, Jason here.

I anticipate the small-cap market will heat up now that the debt-ceiling is revolved.

And we started to see that Thursday with monster moves in TYGO, UCAR, YJ, IMRX, and GSIT.

This is probably the start of a small-cap bull market that could last a decade.

Remember how fun January was for small-caps? I expect that price action to come back as soon as today so be ready for action.

UCAR above $10 has range to $20. I have no problem getting long the stock while it has momentum, at the same time buying puts further out to try and catch the pullback too. The $10 puts look good to me if this early gap holds.

TYGO ran from $10 - $27 Thursday before settling at $19 this morning. If this stays above $17 let’s look for a retest of $30.

GSIT is looking good above $7 with room to run to $10. This is a great example of how Fibonacci or the rest and retest pattern works.

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Jason Bond