$2,000 Small Account Journey

Join the party for just $297

TGIF friends!

17 straight wins!

432% growth in 1-month.

I’m celebrating! Join the party for only $297!

I do not know of a better strategy to trade any size account.

And it’s certainly way better than small-caps for trying to grow $2,000.

Now I want to point out that I cannot speak for my members’ performance, as results may not be typical and trading is HARD. And I cannot guarantee you will make money, but what I can guarantee is that I will work my BUTT OFF to teach you WHY I trade WHAT I trade.

How’s this Journey going?

Balance: $10,630 +432% or +$8,630

Status: Cash, new picks coming soon

Allocation: benchmark 3 or 25%

Here is the approach I am targeting. It might need refinement if things don’t go the way I’d like but it’s always good to have a reasoned starting point and then to reflect and refine. Nothing is promised and my plan might not work exactly the way I’d like but I have the experience and expertise to refine and move forward with confidence.

  1. $2K-$5K 100% allocation to get the account up in value fast

  2. $5K-$10K 50% allocation (2 $2.5K-$5K trades open at a time)

  3. $10K-$20K 25% allocation (4 $2.5K-$5K trades open at a time)

  4. $20K-$100K 15% allocation (7 $3K-$15K trades open at a time)

  5. $100K+ is 10% allocation (10 $10K trades open at a time)

I have 3-4 new trades I’m about to send out to members. These are almost all swing trades as you can see.